
Twitter Scraper

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $27.00.

Twitter Scraper is Best for Scraping profile users along with their followers and following profile URLs.



Twitter Scraper Best for Scraping profile followers and followings


What is

Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Wikipedia


Twitter Scraper flow and features are :

1 – UI contains Input Field for Twitter Username and password to get a login.

2 – Textarea to provide Users name which you want to search on twitter. It can accept multiple search terms that must be separated with new line.

3 – Logs textarea which is used to show the working of the current process.

4 – Software will log in to Twitter first.

5 – After login software will search for the provided users on twitter.

6 – Software will Get Following Accounts and Followers of each resulted user.

7 – All scraped Account profiles will be saved at the output folder.

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